
Templates are reusable examples. Creating and using templates is a great way to systematize your approach and gain time.

The Obsidian Starter Kit includes a template for contacts, a template for persons, and additional ones for periodic notes (daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly). In practice, you can create as many as you want.

Here is an example template:

## Day Planner

### Plan for today

### Notes of the day

### Done today

### Discovered today

### Interesting links

### Gratitude

That template is part of the Obsidian Starter Kit. It’s the template for daily notes. As you can see, it’s a note like any other. Templates can be as simple as that: a basic structure including the content you want.

Table of contents

Inserting an Obsidian template into a note

In Obsidian, you can easily insert a template into a note



At this point, the chosen template will be interpolated and injected within the current note.

Templating concepts

Various note-taking tools support templating and include so-called templating engines. Word, Notion, Obsidian, etc. Across all those tools, certain concepts are similar.